Let Go of Judging ~ a free challenge


I know I don’t normally show up in your inbox this often, but I just got back from Peru on Monday night and I’m so excited to be home. And even more excited to bring the spirit of what I felt and learned into my every day life. So, I’m doing a free challenge that starts on Sunday, April 17… read on to find out more. 🥰

One of the greatest gifts our yoga teacher, Renae Malone, gave us was the gift of no-judging. It was a subtle thing, but with every encounter she offered so much grace and such grounded positivity. International travel requires A LOT of that (I can’t even count the number of missed flights). Running a few mins late (some people had their own clock even though we were kind of on schedule). Getting lost in the mountains (I wasn’t really lost 🧭)… 

During our first yoga practice, Renae talked about not judging or comparing yourself to others. We had quite a range of people taking part in the retreat, from someone who was clearly skilled and taught yoga to others to another who had watched one video on YouTube, so in some ways this was a big ask.

It’s hard not to notice what other people are doing in a group context like that. But it’s necessary so you can be present in what YOU are doing and not caught up thinking and comparing. 

That theme of “not judging yourself or others” spilled out into our other interactions. It was freeing to not take up time judging our retreatmates or ourselves. 

That got me thinking… what does judging really bring us? Does it bring peace or joy? 

What does judging, ridicule, criticism, the need to be right/better, sarcasm, and derision have to offer? Both judging of yourself and others.  

Does it create a release for you when the world is a pressure cooking? Are you glad at the suffering of others? Do you sabotage your own efforts with negativity? We’re getting something out of it, right? But maybe not the most uplifting feelings. 

What if we didn’t judge anything or anyone for a week? 

Can we do it? Do you want to try to do it together? This is the Let Go of Judging Challenge!!! 💖

There’s not much to it. We’ll start with awareness and simply start with recognizing our thoughts.

Notice when you look in the mirror and grimace or make disparaging or sarcastic comments about your body. Notice when you find yourself commenting about someone else. Notice when you feel overwhelmed and chastising yourself for not doing more. 

Notice when you feel the shame of inferiority or the edginess of superiority. Notice when you start down the path of “this isn’t fair.” 

Notice when you no longer see someone as a person but as an obstacle to what you want. Notice when you are petulant and angry and judging someone else for what they should be doing. Notice when you being right is more important than true connection or understanding. 

Notice all the ways that judging takes you away from feeling centered, grounded, peaceful and happy. 

Ask — how much does what I’m judging REALLY matter? 

Everything is impermanent. This moment will end and be replaced with another situation and feeling. How much will judging — and the ensuing tumult — really impact the outcome in a way that feels good? 

What if we sunk into the ephemeralness of it? 

… meaning what if we chose to acknowledge our judgment, but didn’t hold onto it or respond to it. 

The Process I’ll be Sharing

1) Awareness – notice.

2) Let it in – don’t deny the feeling; you’re allowed to be human and we are conditioned to respond with judgment. 

3) Shift to gratitude – pause and consider what is the gift in this or what can I be grateful for? 

I think gratitude is the key to happiness.

I want to be very clear. I’m not talking about toxic positivity, in which you “find a silver lining” when a situation is hurting you. If you are in pain and know deep down that is wrong or out of alignment, I’m not asking you to ignore it or find ways to justify why it’s ok. Please seek support and draw upon your strength (you have more than you think). 

Let Go of Judging is about making a conscious effort to see the beauty, joy and conveniences you already have in your life. The whole point is to sit in those feelings more often than frustration, irritation and anger. 

If you take part in this challenge, I bet you’ll see some themes. And then begin to make lasting change to create a joyful life on a daily basis. 

What you say and think turns into how you live, how you’re treated and how you show up for yourself. 

Someone asked me if I was bummed to be back, and I said, “not at all! I believe in making a life you’re so excited to live that you don’t want to escape it.” 

I want you to create and have the life you want, too. I believe it doesn’t have to come from a complete overhaul or getting away from it all. To me, it’s about little things, every day to help stay in equanimity (peaceful and strong). 

The first step of claiming joy in your life is to let go of judgment. 

It’s easy to take part! Hit reply and say, “Yes, I’m in!” Just click the button below. You’ll get an email every day and we’ll do a live meditation in my Facebook group around noon central time (they’ll be available even if that time isn’t convenient). I’ll also share a handy “tracker” because what we can’t change what we don’t measure. Plus, I love to make worksheets. 😂

Some of the themes we’ll cover: awareness, acceptance, gratitude, and body image. 

To sign up, just hit reply. It’s totally free! We start Sunday, April 17 with the first message and meditations on Monday. 

If you know someone who might enjoy or learn from this, please forward this email. ✨

I’d like to share a phrase I heard in Peru… “Gracias mi vida, abra mi vida.” It means: Thanks life, I open to receive more life. 

I hope you join me this coming week! Here’s to receiving more life.

May you be release judgment. May you create a life that makes you feel deeply fulfilled. May you seek gratitude throughout your day.

Many hugs,

P.S. I’m so grateful for my time in the Sacred Valley. This photo is the view at Samadhi. Thank you for letting me share it with you. 😍 

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