My Blog

I’m Laura Harris
Vitae consequat augue. Vivamus eget dolor vel quam condimentum sodales in bibendum odio urna sit amet. In non pulvinar purus. Curabitur nisi odio, blandit et elit at, suscipit pharetra efficitur elit.
On Being Brave

On Being Brave

My word for 2017 is BRAVE. I can remember this time last year trying to decide what word could possibly sum up how I wanted to face 2017. And here I am 12 months later feeling very sure I lived the word BRAVE. For me, this doesn't show up as some one-time event that I...

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Sometimes there's a crossroads the direction a choice made for us or maybe by us. Sometimes we see the crossroads; feeling the weight of the decision clearly pointing North or East West or South. And later. Looking back through a lense of experience wondering what if...

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No guilt about being human

No guilt about being human

Today marks a week since one of the most magical times of my life. I went to California to a business/life retreat ~ 6 women and our coach who put us on the hotseat, quite literally because it was 100 degrees in LA and there was no a/c in the house. But it wasn't...

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How the timer stole my joy

How the timer stole my joy

I'm not a liesurely waker upper. Whether by alarm or naturally, I go from sleep to awake faster than a Lambourghini on the Autobahn in Germany. And then my mind goes out into the day way before my body does. I could be awake for 2 minutes and my mind has already time...

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What’s on the menu ~ Aug

Here are some of my favs that I made this week and a few things planned for the coming week. Creamy Dill SauceThis is an easy and tasty sauce that works really well on salmon or chicken. If salad is your thang, then add water to thin it out for a fresh dressing, then...

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what’s my why?

what’s my why?

During family dinners, we play this chat game in which you ask a question and everyone around the table gets to answer. One of the recent questions was: "What is your favorite topic to talk about?" My response, quick as lightening, no hesitation ~ NUTRITION. So, I'm...

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failure & forgiveness

failure & forgiveness

Most of the time we are meaner to ourselves that we would ever be to other people. How many times or how often do you look in the mirror and an off-hand comment arrises that is negative — ranging from “I don’t like my hair today” to the more harsh “Ugh, I’m so fat and...

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