My Blog

I’m Laura Harris
Lessons from the Lake
I jumped. But first I simply stared off the 14 foot high dive; looking down nearly 19 feet. My mind said no. And I found myself gripping the rails of the platform with white knuckles... my heart rate speeding. It took 45 minutes to go over that edge into the abyss of...
Name something that brings you personal fulfillment that's not related to your family, your job, your volunteer commitments, your church ~ something that is so personal to you and you alone that you would be kind of lost without it. It doesn't have to be something big...
Red Thread of Fate
The thread connects me to you. Friends chosen as family. Lifting up encouraging. A deep laugh, a shared tear a warm hug. Bonds of choice that may not need to be spoken of or always acknowledged. Just there. Through time. Despite distance, Regardless of constant use or...
What do I eat?
Food. We spend so much time thinking about it, preparing it... resisting it. I think the goal is to relish it... and know that we're being kind to our bodies at the same time! My relationship food through the years has been one of stuggle and frustration. I'm a...
Thought Bubbles
My 10-year old son, Evan, was struggling with his story writing assignment, even though he's so creative and loves to read. Everything he was saying about the project was negative. It was heartbreaking to hear him talk about himself like this. Plus, I know he can do...
We live next to each other. But a text message isn't being with someone It's a mode. Where's the crisscross of laughter? Where's the contact of a hug? ... the calm that comes from a kiss? It's so easy to ride along side, motoring through the day. The stuff of life...
I bombed.
I intended to share some thoughts about conscious breathing today. I gave a speech on Tuesday on that topic and it was well received. But then Wednesday happened. I had a really important meeting with my biggest design client that had been on the calendar for a couple...
Is it graduation day yet?
Monday officially kicked of my first week as a student in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. What a week… going back to school, taking notes and learning new things. Eeeek, I actually have a quiz! I’m clearly in the right place, though. The lessons so far have...
My 2018 Theme
When something feels right, it's interesting how it brings a calm inside. It might not be logical or easy to explain to the outside world, but it just is. I like to have a "theme" for the year; something to anchor me. I struggled a bit to figure out what that was...
When you’re mean to your mom
Earlier this week I snapped at my mom in a really derisive, ugly tone, "I really don't need the smart-ass comments." She asked me later what it was she even said that I considered to be the offending statement. Her comment was not meant to be unkind ~ it was actually...
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