My Blog

I’m Laura Harris
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Turning the Definition of Discipline Upside Down?

Turning the Definition of Discipline Upside Down?

I’ve always thought of discipline with somewhat of a negative connotation. I like living in a state of flow, feeling “aligned” and doing what feels right. Most of the time, I think my instincts are pretty good. I’ve built a successful design business, finished...

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What No One Wants to Talk About

What No One Wants to Talk About

This post was supposed to be about setting goals, but on Sunday, June 2 we got a call that a close family member had passed away ~ peacefully in her sleep. I haven’t lost someone who was a part of my normal life, so my brain and heart have been trying to comprehend...

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An Unknown Path…

An Unknown Path…

Two years ago I went by myself to a workshop called Brave. It was April 2017. I admitted that I was unhappy with my career/work to a group of strangers and a woman who would become my coach (but I didn't know that yet). I was just there because I had to do something...

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Suggestions about meals that aren’t what you think!

Suggestions about meals that aren’t what you think!

Is that a dreaded question in your house? It doesn’t have to be. Taking a few minutes to plan is definitely worth it. This isn’t about fancy dinners or being a gourmet chef, but I encourage you to think about the answer ahead of time, so it’s not so stressful. First...

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Menu Planning CAN be Easy!

Menu Planning CAN be Easy!

It typically takes me about 10 to 15 minutes to menu plan for our weekly dinners for our family of four. Do I do a plan every week– yes! Do I follow it exactly – no! Having a rough plan in place allows me to consolidate my grocery shopping, so I don’t have to waste...

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You can be satisfied with your choices.

You can be satisfied with your choices.

Be present… slow down and enjoy life!Work hard to make your dreams happen. Listen to your body and eat in moderation. Sugar is addictive. Give your body a rest because we’re all so stressed. Make sure you exercise. Take a break from...

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Do you play the long game?

Do you play the long game?

I had written another post for today, but I heard something this week that I absolutely HAVE to share, which is ironic because this topic is all about playing the long game... basically how often do you go for instant gratification over something long term? How...

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Are you all or nothing?

Are you all or nothing?

A week or so ago, I was knocked out with a cold. I was forced to rest and relax and recuperate. I’m not going to lie; it was hard for me. I’m much more comfortable moving and doing and thinking and taking care of things. I kind...

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Do you cook with color?

Do you cook with color?

Last night for dinner I was going to make turkey meatballs in a coconut Thai curry sauce, but we had Asian the night before, so I wanted to change it up! Since I enjoy cooking, this was a chance to get creative (and didn't stress me out at all). I ended up...

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The doors are open for business!

The doors are open for business!

I had this shirt made when I coached Evan’s soccer team when he was in kindergarten. It’s always been my favorite. And now I get to wear it because it’s my new job description. One of the hardest things I’ve ever done was admitting I was unhappy. But I...

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