My Blog
I’m Laura Harris
Are we having fun yet? ?
I had this whole blog post I'd written about taking risks, but I felt like there was a different message to share this week. I want to ask you ~ are you having fun yet? Not like, yay, it's Friday! I'm going to happy hour. Or we're gonna do this thing or that thing...
What’s something important you’re doing today?
What's one important thing you’re going to do today? What do you believe about that activity? Will you relish it? Be challenged by it? Or just be glad when it’s over? Our beliefs fuel everything — your perspective; the action you take; your attitude; and how you feel...
I’m admitting my biggest insecurity to you…?
Every day I choose to live from a place of hope. Every day I choose to not let my insecurities define me. Every day I choose to love what makes me ~ myself. My mom fell at the gym yesterday. She was embarrassed and apologized. But why? Gravity did what it was supposed...
Getting out of your comfort zone
I remember standing at the edge of the high dive staring into the lake water nearly 19 feet below me. I was scared to jump. It took awhile to get my courage up, but I did it any way. I wrote about it last summer. I like pushing myself to try to new things. I like...
Do you want to be held in the embrace of listening?
Do you ever think much about listening? I'm curious, do you listen differently depending on the situation or the person? I asked my clients for testimonials and several of the responses were along the theme of how I am a good listener (pretty great to hear!!). This...
Wanna create a joyful life? ?
I used to have a journal that had an entry for “What will you do today for fun?” I noticed that I would usually end up leaving this blank. The hours in my day were meant for productivity and crossing off stuff on my list. Laughter, fun and joy weren’t...
Ways to deal with Loneliness and Change
Today is the first day of school for my two sons who are 12 and 9. They don’t want to go. And I’m going to miss them. When your kids are little, they physically need you. Like A LOT. Our brains are continually scanning – what are they eating, watching, doing,...
Say Yes To Things You Love
Today is not a typical work day for me, and I'm so excited!!!! I scheduled a "professional development" day ~ I've got my notebooks (filled with ideas and goals), my laptop (so I can check my QuickBooks) and my favorite pens (Frixion erasables with purple ink, of...
What do you want to be when you grow up?
ON JOYNobody can define joyfor you.Stop trying to find it outsideyourself.Only you can acknowledge, accept, encourage or recognize yourjoy.There’s no metric or way to measure – this is so hard.We always want proof that what we’re experiencing is true;that we can hold...
Are you trying to “figure it all out?”
I've been a member of the St. Charles County Toastmaster's Club for nearly two years, which has been extremely rewarding! I've given 10 speeches, earned the Competent Communicator certificate and won the first place in our club's speech competition in April 2018 (you...
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