A week or so ago, I was knocked out with a cold. I was forced to rest and relax and recuperate. I’m not going to lie; it was hard for me. I’m much more comfortable moving and doing and thinking and taking care of things. I kind of had to “self-coach” myself through sitting still and giving my body the chance to get better. I realized that I have an “all or nothing” approach to relaxing. There’s a part of me that doesn’t trust myself and thinks that if I sit still that it will begin a downward spiral of slackerness (yeah, I just made up that word). That got me thinking. I trust myself around food and parenting – that at my base level, I’ll make decisions that support my dreams and goals… eating real food and being present when I’m with my boys. I trust myself with my client work and coaching – that I’m ethical, hard working and put my heart into it. Am I always perfect when it comes to food, parenting and work? No, but I instinctively know and trust my beliefs and I can rely on myself to come back to that. But rest? Nope. What’s going to happen if I stop and just chill out? Not anything bad, realistically! But in my head, there’s no AND there. In my mind, I have this made up story that if I chill, I’ll lose all momentum and never again get stuff done. That’s ludicrous when I say it like that! Put an AND in that scenario and it changes the story to something like: I can relax AND get my work done. I don’t have to respond to every email AND I’ll still be dedicated to my people. I can say no to things AND still be kind and successful. Where are you “all or nothing” in your life? Where do you NOT trust yourself? What if you start to build your self-trust around that thing? There’s such power in the incremental… like how they’re giving babies peanut butter and exposing them to what could potentially be life threatening so their bodies can adapt. A friend and client of mine has made huge strides in working on her passion project by doing 1% of the work on it more often, rather than giving up entire weekends. Doing things a little bit at a time builds self-trust. There’s so much permission in the And, too… rarely are things truly a black and white situation or emotion. I learned (and am still learning) about this from Justine Froelker, an author, speaker and a certified Brené Brown facilitator, who has some wonderful resources and programs on her website. I encourage you to check her out. Where are you all or nothing? Where could you build some self-trust? Where can you add in the permission of the and? In my experience, many people struggle with this around food, especially sugary “treats.” As a health coach, I recommend starting with being aware of when you are rigid and have rules around things. If you’re saying “I never can have this” or “I’m the kind of person who…” then that’s a signal that you can’t trust yourself. There are probably a lot of reasons for this: Past “evidence” Sugar addiction Sugar is everywhere But, do you really want to cede control of your life and your enjoyment to something else? You’re powerful, not powerless. I believe you can trust yourself. Say that over and over to yourself. I trust myself. I trust myself. I trust myself. I believe you can trust yourself. This is the kind of thing that I help people with… getting over food overwhelm and finding the joy in eating again. I don’t believe in following a rigid protocol; it’s more about learning, encouragement and accountability. To help with the learning aspect, I’m excited to offer Just Tell Me What To Buy ~ a grocery store tour for busy people! If you are feeling that food overwhelm, then consider attending either on March 29 or March 31. Here’s what one participant had to say: “I knew I would learn something new on this trip, but I had no idea how much and even though it was a lot of information it wasn’t at all overwhelming. It was very easy to to talk to Laura and she is so knowledgeable about food and health it is crazy. If you hate the grocery store or love the grocery store I think you will get tons of benefits from taking a tour with Laura!” You can find more info here: Just Tell Me What To Buy May you choose curiosity over criticism and joy over judgment! May you begin to trust yourself! Many Hugs, Laura TLDR: You can trust yourself. You don’t have to be all or nothing. Time to get curious. Notice where you already trust yourself… how can you bring that into other areas of your life. Come to a grocery store tour! Link below! Just Tell Me What To Buy I’ve done a few helpful foodie videos on facebook. This one is all about how to bring tart and tangy into your kitchen. Click the photo to watch. Curious about cooking oils? This is some of the information that I cover more during the grocery store tour. Click the photo for the video. |
I’ve done a few helpful foodie videos on facebook. This one is all about how to bring tart and tangy into your kitchen. Click the photo to watch. | Curious about cooking oils? This is some of the information that I cover more during the grocery store tour. Click the photo for the video. |