A FREE gift to help you rest, rise and kick butt 🙌


When my clients experience success, my response is typically: “What a gift you’ve given to yourself!” I like to acknowledge the effort it takes to prioritize yourself (which is often harder than living on auto pilot). It prompted me to think of all the other ways we can give ourselves gifts… 

The gift of time

The gift of a quiet mind

The gift of true connection
having a leisurely meal together, conversing with no screens around
holding hands
saying i love you

The gift of problem solving
struggling to figure something out that isn’t easy or quick fix and being ok with it unfolding; choosing to be process-oriented and not solely focused on the result

The gift of movement
Being in your body and enjoying expansion, strength and creating energy

The gift of feeling your feelings
allowing and admitting what you’re feeling, even if it’s rage and asking yourself, “what is the thing beneath the thing?” 

The gift of being present
notice the physical details around you; the sounds, the textures, the light, the fabric; be IN it

The gift of non-judgment
not of yourself or others

The gift of NOT giving someone else advice or “cross talk”
aka active listening… when someone speaks, your only response is acknowledgment and “I hear you.” no opinions, advice, no what ifs, no if it were me… (even if you have the answer) — hold space for them

The gift of choosing long-term goals over short-term pleasure
it’s easy until it’s creates discomfort

The gift of water
drink half your body weight in ounces every day

The gift of focus
our brains can hold SO much! it’s fantastic and frustrating; pick the next best thing and focus only on that

The gift of NO
when something hurts, is a red flag, isn’t ok, or takes away your sense of self, say NO — this can be said to others and yourself (such as laying in bed with your phone on Insta even when you’re exhausted) 

The gift of acceptance
what in you is asking for acceptance? you can’t heal what you don’t have compassion for. anger and acceptance can’t co-exist

The gift of trying things
motivation happens after action, not before. first start, then you’ll get motivated

The gift of asking for help/support
you don’t have to do everything alone

The gift of being honest with yourself
we *know* when we should quit something and when we should stick with it. pay attention

The gift of rejecting toxic positivity
sometimes reframing, looking for the silver lining, or saying “it could be worse” are things we tell ourselves because we don’t want to face our weariness and pain

The gift of having coping and healing practices
every day (numbing ones don’t count)

The gift of belief and change and follow through
question your own beliefs; it’s possible to grow new ones that support you more, then follow through on yourself

The gift of choosing your inputs
“garbage in, garbage out.” you are what you eat, read, listen to, who you surround yourself with. anything you consume with your senses becomes a part of you at some level; develop standards

Music is an important input for me on a daily basis. My gift to you is this playlist of empowering songs meant to help you rest, rise and kick butt! 

May you dance your heart out to these songs. May the words lift you up. May you absorb the messages of strength. May you give yourself many gifts. 
From my heart to yours,

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